Raisul Atqiya Hazrat Maulana Naqi Ali Khan RadiaAllahu anhu was the son of Arif e billah Hazrath Maulana Raza Ali Khan RadiaAllahu anhu.
Hazrat Maulana Naqi Ali Khan received his early education at the hands of his father, Allama
Maulana Raza Ali Khan.
Hazrath Maulana Naqi Ali Khan was a great Jurist , Mufti & Writer.
Imam Ahmad Raza has admired his scholar Ship & piety much. He taught Imam Ahmad Raza till the completion of his education. He refuted wahabism & mischiefs of the heretics. like his reverred father Hazrat Maulana Raza Ali Khan. He was also anti British and a freedom fighter. He is the very fortunate person. who got the honour of becoming the father of the reviver of 14th Islamic century.
He wrote more than 50 books, among them, "Suroorul Quloob fi Zikri Mouloodil Mahboob", which received a very distinctive prominence in Islamic literature. The treatise is characteristic in its condemnation of the enemies of Islam, both internally and externally.
1- Al-Kalamul Audhah ( The commentry of surah Alam Nashrah)
2- wasilatun-Najaah (The biography of the Holy prophet Sall Allahu Alaihi Wasallam)
3- Jawaharul Bayan
4- Hidayatul Bariyah (Refutation of 10 false sects)
5- Ahsanul we'a etc
Hazrat Maulana Naqi Ali Khan (Birth-1246 A.H.-Demise:- 1297 AH) had three sons.
(1) Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Radia Allahu anhu
(2) Ustad e Zaman Hazrath Maulana Hasan Raza Khan RadiaAllahu anhu
(3) Hazrath Maulana Muhammad Raza Ali Khan.RadiaAllahu anhu
A’la Hazrat's . father Hazrath Moulana Naqi Ali khan passed away in 1297 A.H. (1880) when A’la Hazrat . was 24 years old.
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