The following an ancestral tree of Huzoor Ameen-e-Shariat, Hum Shabi e Mufti e Azam, Hazrat Allama Moulana Muhammad Sibtain Raza Khan Qadiri Noori Hifzullah is carefully constructed from the authentic Books of Genealogy and meticulously scrutinized with references to other books in this field. The ancestors were compared with dates and periods found in books written by Historians who were masters in this field. The following points were noted before compiling the Ancestral tree:

- Preference was given to books compiled by Historians of Afghan descent/origin as they knew their descendants better than others.

- Furthermore, amongst the Afghani Historians, preference was given to Historians that belonged to the Bar'hech tribe as Hazrat belongs to the Bar'hech tribe.

- There is not much dispute in the Chain of the Ancestral tree from Sayyiduna Nabi Adam Alaihis Salam to Sayyiduna Nabi Ishaq Alaihis Salam

- The chain of the Family tree from Sayyiduna Nabi Ishaq Alaihis Salam to Hadrat Malikaloot was extracted according to the citation found in the books of authors who belonged to the Bar'hech tribe. This was so because people of a tribe will have more genuine information of their ancestors in relation to others of different tribes.

- There is a consensus in Books of Ancestral trees from Hadrat Malikaloot to Sayyiduna Qais Malik 'Abdur-Rashid RadiaAllahu anhu and so is the case from Sayyiduna 'Abdur-Rashid to Bar'hech.

- From Bar'hechill Hadrat Shuja'at Jang Muhammad Sa'eedullah Khan the genealogy was extracted from Khulasatul-Ansab, Akhbar al-Sanadid and Bustan-e-Hikmat, whose authors are not only Afghanis, but belonged to the Bar'hech tribe.

This is how cautiously this Family tree from Sayyiduna Nabi Adam Alaihis Salam till Huzoor Ameen-e-Shariat Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Sibtain Raza Khan Qadiri Noori Hifzullah was constructed.

The Ancestral tree is as follows:

Huzoor Ameen-e- Shariat Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Sibtain Raza Khan Qadiri Noori Hifzullah

S/O Hakim ul Islam Hazrat Allamma Moulana Hasnain Raza Khan RadiaAllahu anhu

S/O Ustad-e-Zaman Hazrat Moulana Hasan Raza Khan radia Allahu anhu (Brother of Imam Ahmed Raza khan RadiaAllahu anhu)

S/O Ra'isul-Atqiya Imam Muhammad Naqi 'Ali Khan RadiaAllahu anhu

S/O 'Arife-Billah Imam Raza 'Ali RadiaAllah anhu

S/O Mawlana Hafiz Kazim 'Ali

S/O Mawlana Sha Muhammad A'zam Khan

S/O Mawlana Muhammad Sa'adat Yaar Khan

S/O Shuja'at Jung Muhammad Sa'idullah Khan Bhadur Qandhari

S/O Abdur-Rahman Khan

S/O Yusuf Khan Qandhari

S/O Dawlat Khan

S/O Badal Khan

S/O Da'd Khan

S/O Bar'hech Khan

S/O Sharfud-Deen 'Urf Shar'haboon

S/O Ibra'him 'Urf Sard'bun

S/O Sayyiduna Qais Malik 'Abdur-Rashid Sahabi radiaAllahu anhu

S/O Ays S/O Salool

S/O Utba

S/O Na'eem

S/O Marra

S/O Malik Jalandar

S/O Malik Askandar

S/O Zaman

S/O 'Unais

S/O Bah'lool

S/O Sa'lam

S/O Salah

S/O Qaroon

S/O Nasr

S/O Ashmu'ail

S/O Na'eem

S/O Akram

S/O Ash'ath

S/O Sharood

S/O Makhal

S/O Nusrat

S/O Qalaj

S/O Sher

S/O Atham

S/O Faylool

S/O Karam

S/O Amaal

S/O Hudayfa

S/O Mat'hal

S/O Qabal

S/O 'Ilm Or 'Aleem

S/O Ash'mool

S/O Haroon

S/O Qamar

S/O Abi

S/O Su'heb

S/O Alal

S/O Lu'ee

S/O Ameel

S/O Araj

S/O Arzand

S/O Mandool

S/O Saleem Or Sa'lam

S/O Afghana

S/O Sarad Al-Muqallab Bi Malikaloot

S/O Qais S/O 'Utbah

S/O Alas S/Ou'ail

S/O Yahoodah

S/O Sayyiduna Nabi Ya'qoob Alaihis Salam

S/O Sayyiduna Nabi Ishaq Alaihis Salam

S/O Khaleelullah Sayyiduna Nabi Ibra'him Alaihis Salam

S/O Ta'rikh

S/O Makhood Or Nahoor

S/O Shuroo' Or Ash'ragh

S/O Sayyiduna Nabi Hood Alaihis Salam

S/O 'Abir S/O Sha'lakh

S/O Araf'khashad

S/O Saam

S/O Sayyiduna Nabi Nooh Alaihis Salam [Age: 1400 Years]

S/O La'lak [Age:780 Years]

S/O Malik Matla'shakh [Age: 900 Years]

S/O Sayyiduna Nabi Idris Alaihis Salam

S/O Bayarad

S/O Mahla'heel

S/O Qay'nan

S/O Anoosh

S/O Sayyiduna Nabi Sheeth Alaihis Salam[Age: 912 Years]

S/O Sayyiduna Nabi Adam Alaihis Salam [Age: 900 Years]

Ridwanullahi Tabaraka wa Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een]

Ameen-e-Shariat belongs to the Afghani Bar'hech tribe which was of Royal Descent. He was indeed a very respectable and noble tribe in Afghanistan. Great 'Ulama and Masha'ikh hailed from his dignified tribe whose Mazars are still a center of solace and spiritual enlightment for the people both in Afghanistan and Hindustan. A separate detailed book can be written about these great dignitaries. Since this a very brief introduction of Ameen-e-Shariat, therefore no details will be recorded therein. However, an important point to note is that in the ancestry of Ameen-e-Shariat, there are eight Prophets and one Sahabi. The Prophets are:

1) Sayyiduna Nabi Ya'qoob Alaihis Salam

2) Sayyiduna Nabi Ishaq Alaihis Salam

3) Khalilullah Sayyiduna Nabi Ibra'him Alaihis Salam

4) Sayyiduna Nabi Hood Alaihis Salam

5) Sayyiduna Nabi Nooh Alaihis Salam

6) Sayyiduna Nabi Idris Alaihis Salam

7) Sayyiduna Nabi Sheeth Alaihis Salam

8) Sayyiduna Nabi Adam Alaihis Salam

The one Sahabi is Sayyiduna Qais Malik 'Abdur-Rashid Sahabi RadiaAllahu anhu . He is the 43rd descendant of Afghana and 45th descendant of Hadrat Malikaloot. Qais bin 'Ays lived in the mountain of Ghour. In one of the Expeditions of Sayyiduna Khalid ibn Walid RadiaAllahu anhu , he became interested in Islam. So he took some of the leaders of Afghanistan and wento Madina al-Munawwara. They met the beloved Prophet Salallahu alaihiwasalam and immediately accepted Islam on his sacred hands. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah salallahu alaihiwasalam then said to him: "Qais is a Hebrew word and I am an Arab." The Prophet Salallahu alaihiwasalam gave him the Islamic name 'Abdur-Rashid. The Habib further said: "You are the Awlad of Malik Taloot whom Allah blessed with the title of Malik (King). in the future you too will be remembered with the title of Malik." This is how he got the title of Malik from the office of Prophethood salallahu alaihiwasalam .

It was in the Madinan period that the Beloved Nabi salallahu alaihiwasalam was planning for the conquest of Makka and appointed Malik 'Abdur-Rashid RadiaAllahu anhu and the other Afghani Sahabi ast he lead of the secret service scouts of the army led by Sayyiduna Khalid ibn Walid RadiaAllahu anhu . The Afghani Mujahids displayed their astonishing bravery in the battle of Makkah Shareef. Sayyiduna Malik 'Abdur-Rashid Radia Allahu anhu himself killed 70 Kuf'far in this battle. His role and bravery in this war brought great joy to the heart of the Beloved Prophet salallhu alaihiwasalam who predicted that a great family will emerge from the off-springs of this Sahabi. They will be steadfast on religion and will strengthen the Din of Islam like Bataan (conqueror with great bravery or Military Advisor). It was the effects of this Du'a of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah salallahu alaihiwasalam that great 'Ulama and Masha'ikh were born in the lineage of Sayyiduna Malik 'Abdur-Rashid RadiaAllahu anhu

To name a few, some other stars in the firmament of excellence were the great Mujaddid, Ala-Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza al-Qadiri RadiaAllahu anhu and his son, Ghawth al-Zaman Mufti A'zam Imam Mustafa Raza al-Qadiri Noori RadiaAllahu anhu. Their services to the Deen is known to the Muslim World and precisely the manifestations of the Du'as of the Beloved Prophet Salallahu alaihiwasalam

Since the Beloved Nabi's Salallahu alahiwasalam Du'a for the Awlad of Sayyiduna Malik 'Abdur-Rashid RadiaAllahu anhu was that they will strengthen the Deen and their strength will be like Bataan, from that day on he became famous by the title of "Bataan". This word Bataan in later days changed to the present day name "Pathaan". Eventually, the Awlad of Sayyiduna Malik 'Abdur-Rashid Radia Allahu anhu then became synonymous by the word Pathaan. This is how the word Pataan can into existence. Sayyiduna Malik 'Abdur-Rashid RadiaAllahu anhu married Mutahira, the daughter of Sayyiduna Khalid ibn Walid Radia Allahu anhu , and he passed away at the age of 87 years.




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